Monday, August 1, 2011

No Matter What The Day May Bring To You........

SN: Please excuse the way my blog is viewing, I can't fix it!!! Maybe time for a new one.
For the past couple of months, Malachi has had a new favorite song.

No matter what the day may bring to you, Keep praising God.

Whether up or down, whether good or bad, Keep your praise always.

Fred Hammond

Wouldn't it be nice if we could just take these words and apply them?? I will be the first to admit that this is not what happens when trials come my way, but it is a place that I would like to get too. Too many times we (I) get caught up in the smallest things of the day that don't amount to anything and we (I) stay fixated on that one circumstance and it will ruin our (my) entire day.

I love to hear Malachi sing this song. I love to hear him sing any song. He's a good reminder that I need to just keep praisin' God. We were in Cedar Hill the other day and something happened. I can't even recall why I was upset or anything. What I do remember? In the midst of my complaining, out of the blue, Malachi shouts out....No matter what the day may bring to you, Keep praising God. It's amazing how God can/will use anybody no matter their age to send you a message.

It's like yesterday in church, I did not feel like standing up during worship. I was tired, I'm ready to have this baby, I was hurting.......see a pattern of complaining? Then I looked over at Malachi (he likes to be in big church for worship) and he is just singing his little heart out. He didn't know any of the songs but he was still singing and God knew what he was singing. He would raise a hand here and there and clap and sing. I was once again reminded, it's not about me, it's about Jesus. The tender heart of a child praisin' the Lord does something to an ungrateful heart. He took my heart and flipped it. Like everything else, he was watching me. He put his little arm around my neck and patted me and gave me that little smile. It was like God was using him to ease my mind, take away my pain, and saying to me, Suck it Up! You can't praise me for 20 minutes but I gave up my life for you. Ok God. I hear ya. Loud and clear.

Although I know it's hard, especially when the news isn't what we were expecting, but I'm challenging myself and you to just keep praisin' God. It may take us a lifetime to fully grasp the concept, but all He's asking is for is for us to try our best. We will still make mistakes, we will still get discouraged, we will lose sight at times, but Praise the Lord, His grace and Mercy is new every morning.

No matter what the circumstance

I know my life is in his hands

The storms may come but not for long

My praise will keep me moving on.

Now if I'm really honest I really gotta say

That I get somewhat discouraged when trials come my way.


No matter...............

Fred Hammond

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